About 26 hours from now, I will be departing Toledo and on my way to the capital of the United Kingdom.




Words cannot describe how pumped up I am to embark on this trip.  However. this excitement also translates to nervousness on many levels.  There is so much for me to remember and keep track of while I am overseas.  The only people I can rely on of the millions of people in the city are those that are going on this trip with me.  I have to carry a degree of cynicism that is largely unfamiliar to me in order to prevent being taken advantage of or robbed by thieves lying in wait.  I have to be on my own at times, too, which can be very scary in a country that I have never been to before.

All in all, I am not too worried, though, because I know that the Lord is on my side!!!  If He wasn't, I probably wouldn't have survived my last trip to Europe...

As I was saying, there is sooooo much to be excited about!!!  I cannot wait to explore one of the biggest, most recognized cities in the entire world.  There are a lot of different places to see and things to do in the city of London.  I will be going to six different Olympic events while I am there (now including archery).  My tickets and travel passes have all been safely delivered to me, which is good considering how long the lines have been in London for picking up CoSport tickets.  I have my passport, international student identity card (which still needs activated; it has been such a frustrating process), credit card, lots of cash, a global cell phone sent to me by Verizon (number coming soon), my laptop, a new converter for the outlets there, lots of nice clothes, an umbrella (gonna be a rainy Olympics), lots of travel-size toiletries, and a ton of other essentials.  In addition to events, I might go see some shows, including Shakespeare.  I might go on a bus tour or a museum tour.  As mentioned before, I will jump at every and any opportunity in my free time to maximize my experience in the UK.

I am also very excited about meeting and connecting with both the people that go on this trip and the people that will be at the Olympic Reunion Center.  I have been talking to and discussing things already with students and professors going on this trip, and I cannot wait to finally meet them in person!  I am also thrilled about the opportunity to serve as a mentor for young children during my time here in England.  I am very passionate about sports and the ideals created by the Olympic Movement, and I will do everything in my power to share these ideals with these children and give them a good foundation by which to live their lives.

The one thing that I am dreading about this trip is the plane ride to London.  I cannot sleep on planes, so the all-night ride tomorrow night is going to wreck me.  I just hope that I will have enough energy to enjoy myself at the Torch Relay concert and all of the other festivities on Thursday.

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